Okay folks
The RSMS visa status is way to valuable just to have it thrown away. No region has ever given this status back to the Federal Government and it will cost WA an estimated $467 million per year in lost revenue from the international student market as well as cost the state potentially 1000-2000 jobs in the education sector which currently employs nearly 10,000 extra to cater for the international student market.
We have emailed a comprehensive background paper to the WA Labor Party about why Perth should keep it’s RSMS visa status.
We now need YOUR help as well for Step 2.
In our recent survey of our 18,000 FB followers 17% of those who replied stated that they would not have chosen Perth as their study destination if it had not been an RSMS region.
We would like as many people who would NOT have chosen Perth (whether you completed the survey or not) to send emails as listed below explaining how much they have spent in WA so far.
You will see that in the text we are asking you to send there are SIX spaces where you need to fill in details that are currently blanked as XXX. You must do FIRST do this before you send the email for it to make sense.
The subject line for each email should be “Why Perth benefits economically with RSMS visa status”
1) Cut and paste this text McGowan Letter and replace the six XXXs with your details. Then email t to mark.mcgowan@mp.wa.gov.au and copy it to leader@loop.wa.gov.au
2) Cut and paste this text Local Member and replace the six XXXs with your details. Then email it to your local Labor candidate in the WA state election
Find your electorate here Find your Electorate
Find their name and email address here Local members name/ email
3) Cut and paste this text Immigration Minister and replace the six XXXs with your details. Then email it to minister@border.gov.au
4) Cut and paste this text your institution and replace the six XXXs with your details. Then email it to the institute that YOU are studying at or did study at. We have copied email addresses for the main Universities and Colleges. If you attended another please google their email address. If there are two email addresses listed, please email them to both.
5) Drop an email to rsms@iscah.com just saying that you have sent the package of emails. So that we can see the support growing !
Finally tell all your friends about this who may similarly want to be involved in saving Perth’s RSMS visa status
If you don’t do anything, don’t complain if the RSMS visa status is gone after the WA State Election on March 11th
Kind Regards
Steven O’Neil (Iscah Manager – MARN 9687267)
08 9353 3344 / www.iscah.com
Latest newsletter www.iscah.com/free-newsletter
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Twitter: www.twitter.com/iscahmigration
(We luv helping people, share our details with a friend if they will find us useful)