It was all worth it. A BIG thankyou to all the students in Perth who took time to fill out our past surveys about what would attract you to study in Perth. The results of these surveys and reports were all provided to the WA Premier Mark McGowan and his state government departments this year.

The WA state government will from December 2019 make their state sponsor criteria now easier for 491/190 visas for WA GRADUATES

There will be a requirement to obtain a 6 months work contract or have worked 6 months in your occupation forĀ  masters and bachelor degree AND Diploma/Cert 3 students
That is a BIG win for bachelor degree graduates and diploma/Cert 3 graduates who will just need a job offer and no longer 12 months work already. This will be from December 2019

NEW WA State Government 491/190 criteria from December 2019

Also WA has requested to be a regional area for the 491 visa.

This from the WA State migration page
“Regional Australia Definition
– The Premier has announced he has written to the Federal Government to request that Perth is included in the definition of regional Australia”

IF approved (no decision yet) it will have the following benefits

– The obvious , 5 more points for the very difficult points test in the 189, 190 and 491 categories (this will be a massive incentive to study in Perth)
– A can then sponsor their graduates for this new 491 visa and they can fill skills shortages in Perth on that visa, not just country regions
– Perth graduates can qualify for an extra THIRD year on their 485 visa after graduation
– Also Perth residents can sponsor their skilled relatives for the family stream of this new 491 visa


Iscah Assistance

Visa Management of EXISTING applications
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Visa Management of a NEW application

If you want a personal estimate on your EOI date –
(NEW) ISCAH Visa Report on YOUR Occupation

If you want your 491 process managed –
(NEW) your 491 Process managed