*** update *** 4th June 2021

Migration Program numbers for 2021/22

Despite what is mentioned in the senate papers posted yesterday.. DHA have confirmed this refers to variations that have occurred for the 2020/21 program

They have further confirmed that the numbers for 2021/22 will be the same as has been previously published for 2020/21 here

*** Initial Post ***

Despite DHA confirming there were no changes in allocation of the 160,000 allocation to different categories in 2021/22 this appeared in the Australia senate official transcripts
“..Employer sponsored increased to 23,500. Skilled independent increased to 7,500. The regional category increased to 13,150.The state/territory nominated category increased to 13,150.The business innovation and investment category decreased to11,000. The global talent category decreased to 11,000. The distinguished talent category increased to 350..”
Also much discussion about the migration program increasing back to 190,000 from 2023.
