Announcement from Orana- NSW about 489 sponsorship processing

As you are aware, RDA Orana has been inundated with applications and enquirys since the middle of June 2018. Whilst we have the capacity to assess your applications quite rapidly, and indeed have bought more staff on board to speed this process up, we are limited by...

Unofficial Skill Select results from 11th September 2018

Our estimate is again around 2000 invites. Pro Rata Occupations look to have been given about 1850 places and Non Pro Rata Occupations about 450 of the invites To produce our results we collect data from our own clients, online forums, other online sources, and...

New Predictions on when you may receive your 189 invitation

Given the change in Immigration Minister to a more moderate liberal, the release of the new Occupational Ceilings and the official 11/08/2018 Skill Select results we have adjusted our estimates table. Here are Iscah’s latest estimates of how long we think you...