When you will get a 189 invite – Iscah Estimates March 2019

Here are Iscah’s latest estimates of how long we think you will have to wait for a 189 invitation from TODAY – 11th March 2019. Depending on when you lodged your EOI, what the effect date is and the occupation. These may not turn out to be DoHA settings,...

Major Changes to the 189/489/485/482/186/187/190 Skilled lists

Migration (LIN 19/051: Specification of Occupations and Assessing Authorities) Instrument 2019 Changes to Skilled Occupation Lists Added to MLTSSL Applicable Instruments: LIN 19/047; LIN 19/048; LIN 19/049; LIN 19/051 Telecommunications network planner (ANZSCO code...

Iscah unofficial Skill Select results for 10th March 2019

DoHA went ahead with the March invitation round last night, one day early. This is likely due to DOHA already announcing scheduled maintenance for the Skill Select system from midnight tonight, which may cause disruption for some online services. Our estimate is there...