NSW 190 Work Experience Points

UPDATE 6th March 2020 – Following our correspondence we have received a detailed reply from the NSW government as follows… NSW approach to skilled employment Below I will outline the reasons for our approach to continue to only consider skilled employment...

WA state 190/491 sponsorship results February 2020

The WA state government held an invite round on 24th Feb, Their website still has no results since October 2019 unfortunately From our invites the lowest points score (including state sponsor points) and EOI submission date we saw get an invite in the two graduate...

When will you get your 189 Invite – February 2020 Estimates

The 10th January 2020 round looks around 800-1200 invitations for the 189 visas. We have upgraded our estimate to 1000 invites (on average) for the last 4 months of the financial year. Due to DHA having must less onhand 189 applications (points test and NZ citizens)...

Unofficial Skill Select results 11th February 2020

Looks like around 800-1200 invites for 189s and many occupations dropped to 90 points. And DHA got down to 85 points (including 15 sponsor points) for the 491 family sponsored. As mentioned a few months ago, DHA are going to run out of eligible 491 EOIs very soon...