We have had it clarified by the WA state government they do not RANK the 489/190 EOIs by work POINTS.

Rather they rank firstly by Australian work experience and it seems that even work of just a few months is crucial. Even if you get 0 points for Australian work experience.

As a result we are adjusting who we think got an invite. We now believe that anyone who :

– Completed a PHD or Masters of at least 2 years in WA
– And has at least 10 months Australian work experience in their occupation
– English, work and total points DO NOT MATTER this round
– in any occupation eligible on the graduate list

Received a 489/190 invitation in October.

(If you have this qualification, more than 10 months Aussie work, and did NOT get an invite, then email us with details to wa@iscah.com)

Further if you lodged a 489 and 190 together, WA would have given you a 489 invitation (as that will have attracted 10 points for state sponsorship instead of 5). And so you will not have received a 190 invitation.

If you now want a chance of a 190 invitation you need to lodge a new 190 EOI and let the 489 invitation lapse after 28 days. Then hope to get an invite.

It is highly likely that the next WA invitation round will no longer be on the second thursday of each month, but rather after DOHAs 11th November 189 skill select round.