Dear registered migration agent

Re: Changes to our online services

Following on from the email sent to you on 6 September 2018, in relation to changes to our phone services, the following is information about the Department’s changes to its online services.

The Department of Home Affairs is progressively transforming its online channels to allow you to self-serve for the majority of information and services.

This is in line with the whole-of-government Digital Transformation Agenda, which ensures all government services are delivered in a simple, clear and easy to use manner that is designed around your needs.

New Home Affairs’ website

The Department is redesigning its website to make information simple and easy to find.

We have listened to your feedback about our website—and are now trialling a test version of our website. You can access this test site at Please let us know what you think by providing feedback using the in-page feedback link.

Following user testing and extensive client research, the new website is expected to go live in November 2018.

Changes to our client service offices

As we continue to invest in our digital service channels, more people are choosing our online channels first when seeking our services – and the number of people visiting our offices across the country has reduced substantially in the past three years.

From late-2018, our Home Affairs’ offices will only provide services to people who have a letter from the Department inviting them to attend an appointment in-person. Visa or citizenship enquiries can be resolved more quickly online due to the new website. The vast majority of visa applications will be lodged online—or by post. However, we understand there may be complex issues that need attention in-person, and by seeing people by appointment, we can provide a better level of service.

If there’s a complex issue, or the Department needs to see someone for biometrics collection or citizenship tests for example – a departmental officer will book them an appointment to either come into the office or discuss by telephone.

Our Australian offices will continue to provide the following services:

• citizenship tests by appointment

• biometrics collection

• interviews for certain visa subclasses

• status resolution.