When will you get a 189 invite – Iscah predictions

Here are Iscah’s latest estimates of how long we think you will have to wait for a 189 invitation from TODAY – 12th September 2018. Depending on when you lodged your EOI, what the effect date is and the occupation.

These may not turn out to be DoHA settings, we are just trying to give a rough estimate in this age of uncertainty. If their policies change .. WE WILL CHANGE OUR ESTIMATES ACCORDINGLY

Our main assumptions are based on DOHA continuing to invite around 2000 EOIs per month.

And we also assume that 60% of invites will go to Pro Rata occupations as advised by DoHA, on average through 2018/19.

We have also added the text of “EOI to expire before invite” to some EOIs. This is because any that were lodged 12 months ago that we are predicting will not get an invite before July 2019 will mean that the 2 year period of the EOI will expire. So they cannot get an invite on current estimates.

These estimates are heavily influenced by the number of invitations that DoHA issue each round, the limitations against some of the pro rata occupations, and a number of other factors listed here –

What we use for our 189 EOI predictions – (updated 19th August 2018)

Press “like” to get visa updates from our page and your welcome to SHARE this on your FB page if your friends will find it useful.

You are also welcome to email us to estimateinvite@iscah.com asking us when you will get your invite with the following information

– Occupation
– Points Score
– EOI effect date

and we will give you our current estimate.

Please send all questions to query@iscah.com as it is too difficult to see them on the FB thread system.